Previously on Ladies…

This is my new Premier League crush, Kasper Schmeichel, goalkeeper for Manchester City. I know over here at Ladies we’re pretty new to the PL coverage, but even I have heard of his famous father Peter Schmeichel who is considered one of the best keepers ever to play the game.

Join me as I nurse my hangover, (Drinking and make your own corn dogs, what the fuck were we thinking putting about 15 guys in charge of a deep fryer? We’re lucky Santa Monica wasn’t burned to the ground.), as I imagine sharing a couch and the Sunday Times with Kasper.

Or maybe we could play some doctor…

Maybe get a little sweaty…

Maybe he can show me how he’s the one allowed to use his hands…

Yes, I know it is all confusing sweetie. Just stand there for awhile and let me think of the rest.

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11 Responses to Can I have a lazy Sunday with Kasper Schmeichel?

  1. abarclay12 says:

    This is one fresh-faced little premier-leaguer. I would like have a little one-on-one time with him. Show him the ways.

  2. Jay says:

    The great thing is that he’s projected to be BETTER than his dad, and as a fervent hater of Manchester United, this makes me happy in all sorts of ways.

  3. Raskolnikov says:

    Robbing the cradle again, TSW?

    As a Man City fan, you can hang out with the Gallagher brothers and my 18 year old brother. Watch out for broken glass.

  4. Rask – I thought about it, and he’s 21 so it is all fair game. Even if I am the halfway age between him and his father.

    Jay – Better than his dad? Sign me up.

  5. YNBA says:

    Mm, keepers. They’re crazy, most of them, but sometimes that means crazy-hot. I shouldn’t admit this here, but Petr Cech? Oh yes.

  6. Moonshine Mike says:

    Yes, better than his dad. And a Dane if I remember right. Other than the Fabergas goal Saturday he has been unstoppable.

    Someone needs to console him after the man city loss….

  7. Josh says:

    I’m sure you’ll enjoy the boys of the Premier League, all the girls I know go ga-ga for the soccer boys

  8. Miss V says:

    Well played, ladies, Kasper is indeed the cutest goaltender… all that coordination and stamina at such a young age… the mind boggles. Have you seen Cudicini? Hot.Goalkeepers are the new black, fo sho.

  9. jolemamels says:

    Ah, it’s OK Kasper, you and I are in the same boat–You know, looking like jail bait. I feel ya, brother.

    I seriously thought this kid was 17, by the way.

  10. Nge Lay says:

    Kasper Schmeichel is the best.

  11. lil l says:

    i have been there girlies!

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