It looks the old Shiloh Inn up on Mount Washington in Pittsburgh is relaunching as the Shiloh Grill by the same people who run the Harris Grill, complete with a hipper casual menu replacing the standard crab cakes and steaks which the Inn had been known for since the Reagan Administration.
As pointed out in HARRY MET SALLY, restaurants have replaced theater and the modern diner expects to be entertained as well as fed. This has led us as a society to expect witty sidebars on our menus — modern menus obviously needing detailed graphs about what is dairy-free, gluten-free, peanut-free, carb-free, bee pollen-free and heart-healthy, which is all all well and good because we should know what is in our food when we dine out but not too much because the day we’re told French onion soup contains 500-plus calories is the day we stop ordering it.
But I digress.
So what is a $12,750,000 burger?
(H/T To BWZimmerman who Re-Tweeted the Shiloh Grill’s post. Of course I clicked on the link to a restaurant 2000 miles away. The Shiloh Inn was an institution, plus my old South Side boyfriend’s dad was connected to the joint. My Pittsburgh wouldn’t be showing if I wasn’t being all nebby about what was going on up on the hill.)