I made this handy Someecard so you can send it to all of your friends (and the French) who keep complaining about the horns and/or bees. (Also available in Tumblr form.)
Because the only thing louder than a vuvuzela, is someone whining about a vuvuzela.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jack Kogod, Mike Tunison, Maggie Hendricks, Dave Warner, TheStarterWife and others. TheStarterWife said: If vuvuzelas are outlawed, only outlaws will have vuvezelas. http://bit.ly/c2cAqe […]
This is the best comeecard ever!
This is the best someecard ever!
I watch the games with the sound off cause I found them really annoying.
You can find on websapce a lot of articles from funny to sad, pro and contra vuvuzelas.
I’m against. I even created a facebook event against them http://tinyurl.com/2u2k5tk
Keep quiet please! :)
Awesome – very funny!