Previously on Ladies…

Sympathies to Texas Gal for the injuries to her boy man Favre, but I think she’ll be okay now that her Cowboys have clinched a playoff with tonight’s win. Tony Romo went 19-30 for 309 yards in a game that saw more long bombs than the South Pacific, racking up four touchdowns and setting a club record 33 TDs on the season.

Now for the pretty pictures.

I swear Favre is flexing his older man ass as not to be outdone by the young gun.

Maybe his ass is just always that high.


Who cares that he’s a complete fruit loop, Neon Deion rocks a suit like few other men.

And then, the bruised elbow and separated shoulder.

Can’t… type… what… this… picture… of… TO… makes… me…

Hello Aaron! Freakishly big hands!

Why did AP and Getty completely ignore one of the hottest TE’s in the league, Jason Witten? Had to go to the file to remind the world of his hotness.


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0 Responses to Cowboys 37 Packers 27

  1. Janalee says:

    I knew there was a reason I got up this morning.

  2. Pam/Shorty says:

    Surprisingly, I got the game on Verizon FiOS. Too bad I spent that time watching my college team choke.

  3. DougOLis says:

    What’s wrong with an older gent doing a few Kegel exercises?

    Aaron Rodgers! Clap clap clap clap clap

  4. Clare says:

    And then, the bruised elbow and separated shoulder and that sweet, sweet, perky ass.


  5. ChadsMyGuy says:

    I absolutely CANNOT stand the way Romo wears his hat backwards on the sidelines, all the fucking time. It drives me completely insane. So much so, that I can’t even recognize how handsome he is. I just can’t get past it. Kills me.

  6. Matt says:

    I live for foodie!

  7. metschick says:

    Pam: Dammit, that Rutgers loss last night disappointed me sooo much, but it did not surprise me. Why? Because, clearly, I cheer for chokers!

  8. SA says:

    Those hands are freaking me out.

  9. Texas Gal says:

    This post could possibly be one of the greatest of all time. My baby Brett AND my Cowboys, all together in one post of hotness? Thank you.

  10. ladyandrea says:

    Thank you, Romo, for helping to give me a fighting chance against SA and her juggernaut of Brady/Moss. Amen.

  11. Andrea – NE plays the Ravens this week. You’re either fucked, or Ray Lewis is going to stab someone on the field.

  12. Nicole says:

    Is it just me, or are Aaron Rodgers freakishly large and thick eyebrows starting to converge with his almostamullet?

  13. IJustMadeThatUp says:

    I think Aaron Rogers looks like Martin Grammatica’s slightly retarded cousin. I have nothing to base this on, but the belief that men with strange faces and overly-bushy eyebrows belong to the same genetic family.

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