From a blog I used to have called Otherpeoplesblogs.
Today was a completely random day where I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight. When my playlist stopped at “Who’s Johnny” by El Debarge, (like you didn’t see “Short Circuit”), I had to see if I was the only one out there with that horrid song going on in my mind.
One scan of Technorati later, I find some 25 year-old Notre Dame alumnus who had just posted about the song on his blog, Radio Free Timmy, just two hours previously. Other than the song, his rants are the usual politics you’d expect of a 25-year old Notre Dame grad.
Some how from there, I ended up on some Brit-chicks blog who works in film production. The name says it all, and I leave it to you, the reader to see if you think she’s worth your time.
Anyway, around 2pm things calmed down and I was able to get some work done. One birthday party and a nice dinner out with friends later, my partner bought me one of these…
I’d like to see somebody else talk about a Steelers mylar balloon in their blog!