From a blog I used to have called Otherpeoplesblogs.

Good work by the LAist the past couple of days about local sports issues. Anaheim Angels owner Arte Moreno sounds like he is gunning for the spot vacated by Al Davis in “most short-sighted pro-sports franchise owner” category. The Angels mostly matter in the OC, while only born-and-bred Angelinos care about the Dodgers. The rest cover themselves in either Red Sox red and deep blue, Cubs red and mid-level blue, or Yankees white and another variation of blue. (Depending on level of self-esteem, alcoholism, and where they went to college.)

Not that it really matters. Baseball might be laughing at the mess that the NHL is in now, when really it is their canary in a coal mine if things don’t change soon. Why some demented fan has not yet taken out Bud Selig is shocking, considering they’ll run after players and umps on the field given half a chance.

Back to the LAist and their end of the year sports awards. Not sure who they are pandering to by giving the UCLA Men’s Water Polo Team the number one spot, but sure, it is a tough game and they can take the prize.

I wonder though if the LAist has heard of Title IX , because not one woman was listed. (I bet they had thought of mentioning that the USC’s Women’s Volleyball team, but a loss in the semi-finals knocked them out contention for both a “three-pete” of the national title and the LAist article.) No love for even WNBA’s 2004 MVP Lisa Leslie? I mean, she messed around and got a triple double.

I cannot consider the biggest loser tie between Shaq and Kobe fair. Shaq was already beaten up by the league enough by being left of the original Dream Team, so he gets a pass from me.

(And just in case anyone thinks I really worry about gender equality in sports and lists, don’t worry, I really don’t. My thinking is, that if you are going to be obscure and mention a collegiate men’s sport, you may as well go all the way and mention women’s sports, because that my friend, no one pays attention to.)

Now, I could go to sleep if I could just find a blog that would help me win my fantasy football Superbowl game tomorrow.

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0 Responses to Running behind on sports: LAist style

  1. I don’t believe that Al Davis is as bad as Rita Moreno of Arte. But then again, Anaheim didn’t just hand Rita $10 million.

  2. otherpeoplesblogs says:

    At this point, it is a toss. Considering that we’ve have Al for decades and Rita Moreno is a newcomer getting off to a promising start, I think in the long run, you are right.

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