From a blog I used to have called Otherpeoplesblogs.
He is definitely not my cup of tea!
He also did not give Page Six the love it needed this morning. There were so many great stories ripe with opportunity, that even late last night when I was reading Page Six, (and was not yet bored enough to start this blog), I actually thought to myself, “My, my. Cannot wait to see what Defamer says.”
What does the guest editor post about? The boring piece on which stars drive the sales of glossies?
Please. We need coverage on:
Just Asking: December 27, 2004 — WHICH married movie mogul propositioned a pretty young blonde at an industry event, leaning over and whispering into her ear: “If you [bleep] me, I’ll give you a two-picture deal.” The beauty, who had no idea who the old coot was, blew him off, saying, “I’m not an actress. I’m a singer.”
Did they run out of real gossip and were forced to use the cliche grab bag? Are we living in a time warp? Is there really a singer out there who does not want to also be an actress?
REALITY SOIREES December 27, 2004 Possessing the TV Midas touch, it’s no wonder staffers and producers of some L.A.- based reality shows party like it’s the ’80s. “The parties are usually short on food, long on liquor, with everyone’s favorite vitamin thrown in to keep the entourage going from bars to strip clubs to all-night mansion parties up in the Hills. It sounds kind of Gatsby,” a former party girl said. “There’s always somewhere else to go, something else to do, anything but go home before daylight.” However, they’re not much to look at. “The guys are relatively cute, while the gal pals are not terri bly attractive and spend most of their time out- drinking or out-partying their cohorts,” a former insider said. “The guys in their group are gener ally disrespectful of women. It’s very fraternity- like.”
Real Defamer Mark, we need you to make a crack about there being few gay frats here.
Coverage of Markie Mark doing an ultimate fighting film is optional.