Normally this is the type of thing we pass on, but Curtis Granderson is just so cute, so sweet, and just so well loved, (more on this after the jump), that we couldn’t help but say yes when his “people” reached out to us asking us to pass on the word that his official MySpace page had been deleted along with all of his MySpace contacts, so everyone needs to “re-friend” Curtis.   (Besides, he was a near miss for the Hot Blogger Bracket, so this is the least we can do for him.)

More hot photos, the “Official Curtis Granderson MySpace Page has Deleted Memo”, and a fan of a fan story after the jump..

I know this sounds odd, but even if you are already one of Curtis’ friends, you need to re-send him a friend request. I wish I had a good explanation for you, but I really don’t. Also make sure to tell all your friends to re-add Curtis.

Ultimately, the issue is this: Every Friday, Curtis sends out Happy Birthday comments to that week’s birthdays. It’s usually between 350-450 per week, so as you can imagine, that can become tedious. In order to do this in a timely fashion, a program is used that simply sends out comments to his friends that have birthdays. The use of this program prompted MySpace to shut down Curtis’ page.

As of right now, his friends list, photos and blogs have all been lost. The blogs and photos can be recovered, but that friends list will be tough.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you all, and we appreciate your patience.

-Full Athlete Marketing 

Well, there you have it.   If you people would stop having so many birthdays, Curtis would not be in this mess. But you all insist on getting older and having birthday’s year after year, (So selfish aren’t you?),  so I think you owe it Curtis Granderson’s MySpace Page to at least be friends with it.  Again.  Or for the first time, whatever the case may be.

I mean, just look at this man.  What did he ever do to you other than just be a cool guy to have around who just wanted everyone to have fun?

That’s the attitude I like to see in the work place.

When I mentioned to a friend I was doing a Granderson post, he told me that while he had been walking around the Taste of Chicago in a Detroit Tigers shirt last week, he was approached by a University of Illinois- Chicago college player, (Granderson’s alma mater), handing out UIC Flames fans, who just wanted to talk about Curtis and what great guy he was and how everyone back at school just thought he was the bees knees.  I think it is adorable that a college player who has probably never met Granderson would be so excited to talk about Curtis’s career and playing time with a complete stranger who just happened to be wearing Tigers gear.   Not only is he loved by fans, but he is loved by the kids who are looking to take the same path in the majors.

(UPDATE -  Curtis actually talkied about being at Taste of Chicago on his ESPN blog.)

So go friend Curtis Granderson, nice guy, hottie, and stealer of Red Sox home runs, which is always aces in my book.

 (Full Disclosure:  In my “real job” office, the loss of a client’s MySpace page would be near catastrophic.   Drinking would start before noon,  400 interns would be charged with ramping the contacts back up, and at least one person would throw themselves off of the balcony.)

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17 Responses to Curtis Granderson Needs Your MySpace Request (Again)

  1. Texas Gal says:

    I will friend Curtis IN SPITE of him stealing that Wily Mo Pena homerun (with a brilliant, jawdropping snocone grab)- not BECAUSE OF.

    And also because he is really hot.

  2. […] related: Granderson apparently had his MySpace page shut down, and is looking to get everyone to friends him again now that it’s back […]

  3. chitowntiger says:

    Yum, the Taste was so good this year. The chicken tart from Blu 47 was fantastic.

    Oh wait, I’m supposed to be talking about Curtis. He is a hottie… adorable smile.

  4. metschick says:

    Friend me, Curtis.

  5. Extra P. says:

    I’m really starting to enjoy the Tigers. Verlander and Granderson are OK in my book.

  6. Extra P – Make sure you add Sean Casey to that book.

  7. metschick says:

    And Polanco. Dude’s awesome.

  8. Juicy says:

    The best part about Curtis is the fact that he’s a genuine guy. I’ve never met a smarter baseball player.

  9. Extra P. says:

    Well, dammit, someone’s going to have to write about Casey then, because I only write about people nobody’s ever heard of. It’s really warping my view of MLB.

  10. Extra P. says:

    Speaking of smart ballplayers, I watched the Future Stars game yesterday and saw Jacoby Ellsbury in the dugout being interviewed. He came across as really polished and thoughtful, so when he comes back to the big leagues, you ladies are going to have a field day with the ooohs and aaaahs.

  11. D says:

    Thank you for showing some love to my number 1! I’ve been (non-creepily) lurking on this site, looking for my Tiger-babies. Curtis deserves it! Also, I better hurry up and re-friend him as my birthday is this weekend!

  12. ChasevidWrightley says:

    So THAT’S why I had one less Myspace friend last night! I couldn’t figure for the life of me who it was. I’ll refriend him…thanks for the info.

  13. Texas Gal says:

    Extra P. – he’s our Ladies… mascot. We would have a field day with him any time he wanted.

    And welcome, D! We’ll have a piece that goes up profiling all the hottie Tigers soon enough- but if there’s a particular favorite, shoot us an email for the Mail Bag Hottie feature.

  14. Disco Stu says:

    Taste of Chicago? Bah!

    Summerfest, my friends, has everything on ToC.

  15. TheStarterBoyfriend says:

    I wonder exactly what the Birthday Message said…?

  16. […] and also, my boyfriend? Curtis Granderson.  [Don’t tell Joel Zumaya!]  He was kind and polite and well-spoken, just as you’d […]

  17. Grandyland says:

    Gotta love a guy who pays his mom’s college tuition for Mother’s Day. :-)

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