Today in The Music of New Coke, Animotion’s “Obsession”, which would spend six weeks on Billboard’s Hot 100 during New Coke’s reign.
Remember taping music off of the radio you loved it so much? Trying to hit “record” at just the right moment between the DJ talking and the song starting? (Who wants a song that has a B94 bumper in it?) And you would try over and over again to get it just right, hoping you could guess where it was going to be that night on the “Top 8 at 8” request show so you could nail the recording, worried for the full five minutes of the song that someone might accidentally bump the dial on the receiver while you were taping forcing you to wait another hour or so for the song to come on again.
That was how much I loved “Obsession” when I was in the fourth grade, and I know I was fueled by New Coke while I held my stereo-side vigils.
(“Obsession” is still probably one of my favorite songs from the ’80s, which is not surprising when you consider it was co-written by the very kick-ass Holly Knight, who also wrote massive hits for Tina Turner, Aerosmith, Rod Stewart, Scandal, Heart, and Pat Benatar, among others.)