Story Highlights:
36 words.
Actual story:
109 words.
Also, it is rather odd that the “Story Highlights” note the game is going to be held at Busch Stadium but the story does not.
Story Highlights:
36 words.
Actual story:
109 words.
Also, it is rather odd that the “Story Highlights” note the game is going to be held at Busch Stadium but the story does not.
I don’t wish to appear (any more) stupid (than usual) but for those of us who don’t follow baseball, what’s the obvious mistake?
No mistake. I just cannot believe they post a story with only 106 words and still have to summarize it at the top.
Oh. Sadly after years of writing presentations for consulting / tech firms, it would never occur to me that providing a summary of next to no information would be unusual.
I love that SI does this. They dont have the great writers that espn has, although, I do enjoy Norman Chad
At least they have articles. 80% of the stuff on ESPN are clips from sportscenter.