*(The brackets will be shuffled to reflect correct order of match-ups next round. You try putting together 88 entries. Any complaints and we will rig the voting faster than the De La Hoya-Mayweather fight.)
Voting ends Saturday,  June 9,  @ approx.  22:00.

Main page with printable brackets.

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138 Responses to Hot Blogger Bracket – AFC North

  1. Holly says:

    Hello, snacktreats. We’ve been waiting for you.

    I meant what I said, though. I don’t kiss nice.

  2. And Jay B? I pre-ordered your comic book because of this on Amazon. IT’S ALL ON YOU!

    (Although I love Wade Blogs and Jibblerscribbits posts.)

  3. Texas Gal says:

    This is one hell of a tough bracket. The gentleman that emerges victorious will have his work cut out for him.

    Also, I f-love that my Longhorn baby Peter is seeded against an Aggie. I take Rob at his word that he’s an Ag– because he dresses far too well, I never would have guessed.

  4. Holly says:

    He’s there for a reason. Seersucker is mighty fine and all, but––Hook ‘em, PB.

  5. You know why I love this bracket too?

    The Legend of Vince Tremblay’s “”I had a feeling things were going to be interesting tonight when I noticed the large number of Ontario license plates in my usual parking garage. I said to myself, ‘Self, them hosers are making a weekend of this.'”

    I read this months ago, and it still made me laugh just as hard now as it did back then.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Did Paul Shirley submit himself or did someone else do it? If it’s not him, where’s the far superior Rod Benson?

  7. DougOLis says:

    Above said comment:
    Did Paul Shirley submit himself or did someone else do it? If it’s not him, where’s the far superior Rod Benson?
    was me

  8. Jack Cobra says:

    Seriously….I just woke up and I’m already down in the voting…I hope the bus driver isn’t warming up the bus already

  9. Doobie says:

    Woohoo! A 12 seed! AND I’m not going against Will! Unfortunately my plot to covertly plug my new blog was foiled (curses!) as I’m being associated with my old colleagues at Ghosts of the Garden (where my submission story was linking to) but, hey, that’s nothing.

    Ladies (dotdotdot), I tip my hat to you…

  10. ladyandrea says:

    Anonymous, Paul Shirley submitted himself (after receiving an invite).

  11. Hell. Yes. A #1 seed. First time I’ve ever beaten an NBA player in anything in my life. (Well, second. Greg Ostertag still crosses the street whenever he sees me coming.)

    And TSW, seriously, thanks. The book comes out July 17; let me know whatcha think.

  12. […] So, if you want to stuff the ballot box for your old buddy Doob (or against me, just to squash any delusions of grandeur I might get), you can vote in the AFC North bracket here. […]

  13. withmalice says:

    Oh ye gods… I’m too late! ;)

  14. MDG says:

    Ladies. Thanks for the #5 seed. You all rock.

    Fellas It’s an honor and a previledge to kick the crap out of you on my way to internet fame and fortune.

    If I win this thing all I want as a prize is to make out with Holly.

  15. […] huge ALERT: Ladies DOT DOT DOT is holding a “hottest male blogger” contest, and “yay sports” (nice) is listed as an 8 seed. That is Jack Cobra, not […]

  16. DaveyWayne says:

    So, Iam a 20 seed against a former NBA Player…

    It’s because I went to a MEAC school, isnt it.

    Well…Cinderfella has come to Play.

    Thank you for including me.

  17. Holly says:

    MDG–is that a Sox hat? This is a definite possibility.

  18. awfulannouncing says:

    Damn the 4-18 matchup is a sexy, er tough one.

  19. Davey – I for one loved your post. It had my vote.

  20. beingsven says:

    A #4 seed… Lovely.

    But, Ladies… DAAAAAMN. HOLY SHIT that looks good. This has certainly proved worth the wait.

    so, let the fun begin.

  21. Sooze says:

    Hahahahahahaha! Fuckin Ladies… you guys rock.

    So many hotties! How do I choose?!

  22. dahrn says:

    Who doesn’t love a 10 seed? What’s there not to love?

  23. Jack Cobra says:

    Thanks to the Ladies….. for putting this all together. It’s nice to see that the gift cards and phone numbers of MLB players I sent you netted me an 8 seed. I look forward to all of the criticism about my appearance and writing, while I take every vote against me personally.

  24. a 2 seed!? im gonna call everyone else a “normie.”

    very unexpected!

  25. Techmo – It was the mini-ponies. And the consistant coverage of woman’s football. For real.

  26. beingsven says:

    Looking at my picture and writing blurb side-by-side, I have two feelings:

    1. I may have type-cast myself.
    2. I kinda come off as a Tucker Max-like douchebag.

    I can only ask that you read the whole essay. I swear it’s not like that.

  27. Holly says:


    (PSaMP is a new favorite of ours, no matter how this turns out.)

  28. Rob says:

    I’m somewhere between stoked and bemused that I’m matched against a Longhorn. I know where the Ladies…. loyalties lie, and I’ve gotta respect that.


    I’d remind you of what happened in Austin last November. Another upset may be in the cards.

  29. Holly says:

    Rob. I say this as your friend and as a fan of you personally (because you submitted a picture of yourself in seersucker): Texas Gal is still sleeping, but that doesn’t mean you’re out of danger.

  30. Extra P. says:

    DaveyWayne. Ask him about that time he n’ I went cow-tipping. We knock a couple of ’em over and he looks at me and says “Do you ever feel like, you know… doing stuff to them while they’re lying there all helpless like?”

    I say “Jesus, no, you freak”.

    And Paul kind of double takes and then laughs.

    But way too loud, and way too late.


  31. Extra P. says:

    Jay – I never believed that story Ostertag told about how he lost his two front teeth. You are a bad man with a stepladder.

  32. Sebek says:


    Nice to see a little Boston – St. Louis battle in the first round. Let’s see if St. Louis can put one in the win column this time around, unlike the 2004 World Series.

  33. MDG says:

    Holly that is indeed a sox hat. And the picture is in Fenway Park.

    Call me.

    Sebek. Rest assured there will be no sweep. I know like 5 people so I can’t really get out the vote and stuff the ballot box. But there are some other boxes I’d like to stuff. Hey now!

  34. Rob says:

    Ha! I laugh at danger.

    Wait, danger and poop jokes are the same thing, right?

  35. beingsven says:

    Now that the brackets are posted… tomfoolery, shenanigans, poppycock, general horseplay and pathetic pandering are inbounds, correct?

    Assuming that is indeed the case…

    supplementary content, for your consideration

    and some more…

  36. Goddammit, I’m supposed to get angry at a fellow Liverpool fan?

  37. Sanchez says:

    Great job Ladies. Looks like I’m goin’ out in the first but at-least I’m losing to one fine looking dude!

  38. MDG says:

    Change the name of this bracket to the Friends of Liverpool or You’ll Never Walk Alone. Cause now I need to vote for my fellow Liverpool fans.

  39. Jack Cobra says:

    Also, thanks for changing my site from YAY to Cobra Brigade. I can’t get to my personal email from work so I couldn’t email you…..

  40. […] if you dig my blog and you’ve got a spare five secs, head on over to Ladies… and vote for your ol’ buddy Sanchez. Thanks! […]

  41. Texas Gal says:

    Rob: 73-35-5.

    MDG: As a member of the Fenway Faithful, the hat alone gives you +5 bonus. That you’re sitting in Fenway (looks like just around on 3B side) is just icing on the cake.

  42. Rob says:

    TG: Damn, you’ve got strange measurements. And I’m an ass man, so no dice.

  43. […] anyway, I entered into a Hot Blogger Tournament sponsored by the great site, Ladies… I have been placed in the AFC North bracket, where I hold a 10 seed (I like the underdog status), […]

  44. mcbias says:

    People like the Cobra makes me sick. Portraying himself as a well-dressed young man in a house of worship, when I know better as to the type of excessive partier, spender, and woman-attracter he is. Of course, no one likes that type of guy, and…oh wait, you do? This sounds like a deceptive attempt to get people to vote for my scaly friend? Err, oops.

  45. Kelly P. says:

    Sitting in Fenway should be -5 points. VOTE SEBEK !!!

  46. Jack Cobra says:

    Thanks McB….I think?

  47. sandy k says:

    I am woman, hear me objectify. My exact thought process through all four brackets voting: ‘that blog is sexist, and worse, not funny, voting for the other guy,’ ‘hmmm, looks jewish. jewish=hot.’ ‘no way those are his real abs, but it works for momma.’ ‘i’d sooner vote for a staph infection than a longhorn. gig ’em aggies!’ ‘one with most hair gets the vote!’ ‘ohhhhh, nice suit. sweet!’ ‘points for bringing in the baby in, pretty baby.’ and also: this is awesome. AWESOME.

  48. […] guess, the voting is likely to be very close.  That’s why I need your help.  Head over to Ladies…  and cast your vote for your favorite bloggers.  Vote twice.  Vote ten times.  Mail a flaming […]

  49. Jay says:

    Let me just say, thanks ladies… for helping the ole ego out by actually giving me a seed…even though it was quickly “thrashed” yet again. At least now I can say I got in the tournament and competed against a #1 seed, that kicked my ass of course.

  50. I Am A Whore

    No, I’m not writing about Derek Webb. I’m doing something completely self-promoting here. In a fit of egotism and hubris rarely seen in my world (ok, maybe not…) I submitted an application for the Hot Blogger Bracket at Ladies……

  51. Sanchez says:

    I think it’s time to make a plea to the Gay community. Hopefully, what with my post being about Figure Skating and with me looking as camp as I do in that pic, I can attract some of the ‘pink’ vote.

    Come on guys I need all the help I can get!

  52. My girlfriend is probably going to cry when she finds out I’m a #19 seed. Or, she will come to her senses, realize she can do better, and leave me. Stupid Hot Blogger Bracket.

  53. mcbias says:

    Ha, yes, Jack Cobra, it appears I can’t even praise my friends in a straight-forward manner. I’m trying to get you the “bad boy” vote, because with a suit picture in church, you should have a good shot at the “good boy” vote.

    And Sanchez, in a fit of amusement, I was thisclose to inventing a “GayMcGay” commenter name to make snarky/complementary remarks on each guy’s picture and clothes. Of course, with my limited knowledge of what passes for fashion, I’d have been exposed as a fraud after the second post, but that would have been fun.

  54. Sanchez says:

    Shit, you can invent all the gayish names you want as long as you vote for me… hehe

  55. Jack Cobra says:

    Yeah McB, I wish I could play the ‘bad boy’ role, but when it comes down to it I’m just the ‘guy next door’. Opening doors, respectful to women, etc…

  56. MDG says:

    I’m actually first base side. And before anyone gets all “down with Massholes!” on me. I’m from VA, I live outside DC, but I was raised a Sox fan. And I would never have any of the ladies call me Sports Guy while having coitus. Now would I have them call me Big Papi? Yes.

  57. Sanchez says:

    Well yeah, Big Papi, Daddy etc etc… that kinda stuff always works!

  58. Sebek says:

    “coitus” is certainly a word that needs to become part of mainstream lingo as soon as possible. I’d like to bring “mongoloid” back as well.

  59. beingsven says:

    Sanchez, I voted for you simply b/c of the Cantona reference.

  60. […] Ladies… Hot Blogger Bracket tipped off today. And, out of nearly 100 entries, Sports Gone South got a #1 seed, right up there with Deadspin, Dan Shanoff, and Every Day Should Be Saturday. Pretty heady company […]

  61. Holly says:

    MDG, I won’t call you Big Papi, but on a slightly related note: If you can stare like Papelbon on the mound? We need to talk.*

    *”talk” = “do it”

  62. Sanchez says:

    Well thanks Sven, that makes you one righteous dude in my book. I guess you would agree that there aren’t enough fans being Kung-fu kicked in soccer these days then?

  63. MDG says:

    @Holly. Stare a hole in your soul? Not a problem.

  64. Rob says:

    I’m going to really have to bring out some A game for the second round. Good bye, seersucker; hello, eye-black.

  65. phony gwynn says:

    I think I might have gotten a higher seed if I didn’t send in such a stupid picture.

  66. LenBiasCocaineSurplus says:

    Paul Shirley has this tourney on lockdown.

  67. My girlfriend has already maxed out the votes for my contest, and is about to be rewarded with a sushi lunch. So if I happen to win by three votes, that’s why.

    And Paul Shirley, I’m warning you, my girlfriend will totally vote five times next round. So yeah, like, beware and shit.

  68. You guys….errr…ladies forgot about the guys at

    They are the shit.

    I forgive you though.

  69. Holly says:

    And we forgive you for not being man enough to enter. Next year?

  70. Doobie says:

    […] So, if you want to stuff the ballot box for your old buddy Doob

    I love how each time we whore for votes on our website, our own blog goes and rats us out right here in the comments section.

  71. Chris says:

    The Blog of Hilarity is underrepresented. Why does a tournament about hot male sports bloggers not feature the hottest male blogger who writes about sports sometimes. I’m so sad.

    Also Paul Shirley is the class of this bracket. I smell a fix.

  72. Texas Gal says:

    Hey, if certain male sports bloggers didn’t sack up and enter themselves in the tourney, they have only themselves to blame.

    You have to be in it to win it. And the only way to be in was to submit yourself.

  73. >>You have to be in it to win it. And the only way to be in was to submit yourself.

    And by submit, you…nah. That’s a hanging curve there.

  74. ladyandrea says:

    No, that’s what we meant. *whip crack*

  75. beingsven says:

    Thank you, ma’am. May I have another?

  76. ladyandrea says:

    Thank you, miss. None of the ladies are married.

  77. beingsven says:

    Sorry, here in the South we just use it universally.

  78. ladyandrea says:

    I’m just teasing you anyway.

  79. PopJocks says:

    The PopJocks boys are looking to be this years George Mason….and then go back to our pasty white existence

  80. No. 11s have been known to win a few games, right? right?!?!

  81. ladyandrea says:

    Big Picture, I think you are winning yours.

  82. dahrn says:

    Why is everyone so scared of Paul Shirley? Bring him on!

  83. Texas Gal says:

    Because he can palm a basketball.

  84. Holly says:

    There is that.

  85. Radioman says:

    Palming a basketball? That’s all he’s got? I can roll out to the pick-up courts with two knee pads, an ankle brace, a shoulder wrap, three fingers taped together, wristbandm headband and goggles and still drop 4 points and grab 3 rebounds in a game to 20. Let’s see him do that!

  86. beingsven says:

    Plus, he keeps a soft hand for his lady…

    Oh, you haven’t heard about Paul Shirley’s vasoline glove?

  87. Why is everyone so scared of Paul Shirley? Bring him on!

    Because Paul Shirley banged your mom. He’ll do it again if he feels like it.

  88. dahrn says:

    Shit, my dad must be a superstar then. Or maybe Shirley is my dad…

  89. Jack Cobra says:

    Um….I can palm a basketball and dunk. Actually, I have a jumper too (thank you collegiate ball); so as long as he doesn’t post me up I think I have a shot (If I win my matchup)

  90. Stefan says:

    I would vote but I’m not on here…

  91. DaveyWayne says:

    im gonna take my ass whoopin like a man…But thats ok…

    i WILL be back.

  92. MDG, you are one of the few (very few) men I’ve ever found attractive in a Boston hat.

    Just thought you should know.

  93. Sebek says:


    Quite the battle we have going on here. Stupid Boston hat.

  94. Holly says:

    Team Boston Hat!!

  95. Team Anti-Boston Anything!

  96. I’m with TSW!!

    You know, except hot Boston fans. I’m definitely not anti-hot guy.

  97. Holly says:

    My only exceptions to a lifetime of sweeping contempt for Boston are the Sox…and hot Boston fans.

  98. […] by HG on June 7th, 2007 The Ladies… got the Ebays goin’ nuts with their brackets. Courtesy of Ladies Dot Dot […]

  99. Rob says:

    Pro-Sox hat. Let us never look down upon fandom.

    Unless you bought the hat after 2004. Then you may go straight to hell.

  100. Jack Cobra says:

    I’m calling East Coast bias on this entire conversation.

  101. Texas Gal says:

    I’m pro-Boston in every way… except the Patriots. Mostly because the Pats wouldn’t have me, anyway, because I’m a Cowboys fan.

    And I definitely don’t have an East Coast bias- I have a “Bias for Things That Rule”.

  102. Jack Cobra says:

    O’Doyle Rules. Ok? O’Doyle Rules. Never forget that.

    (cowboys fan here as well)

  103. becky says:

    I would like to thank you Ladies… for Paul Shirley showing up in my dream last night. In a totally non-creepy and “nice” sorta way, of course…
    And yes, he can STILL “warm my bench any day….”

  104. Suss-- says:

    I’m enjoying the 21-over-2 thrashing.

  105. Holly says:

    You wouldn’t if you knew the 21.

  106. beingsven says:

    Everytime I narrow the gap or even pull close, the lead gets streched back out to 23 votes.


    The bloom is coming off the rose.

  107. Sven – You know you can let people know that they can re-vote every 24 hours…

  108. And Sven? I would totally start watching more footie for those abs.

  109. beingsven says:

    Thank you TSW.

    Unfortunately, I have neither the proper following or mastery of the Dark Arts in order to overcome this very strong showing from RUTS.

    Sadly, the GF would not be amused if I asked to opt out of leaving town tomorrow for a wedding, just so I could sit on the couch and devise ways to institute large scale, um, ‘voter turnout’.

    Not I’m above walking around town with laptop in hand, logging on the all the unprotected wireless networks for their unique IP addys. I just don’t have the time. *smirk*

  110. Rob says:

    Ouch, Holly. You know I love you.

  111. I’m sad my 7 readers are failing me in the voting. That’s the last time I ask my family to do anything for me.

  112. MDG says:

    Holly and Sports Girl thanks for the props. I love you. For ever and ever. If you ever want to make out no questions asked then I’m your man. There was a time back before 2004 when only a few people outside of Boston wore Sox hats. Now a days its just wannabes everywhere.

    Sadly I think this one is going to go with Joe Sports Fan. I just have too much work to do every day to go stumping for votes.

    One of my friends did send me an email which states “I hope you kick that Erik Estrada looking m-fers ass.” But Sebek is cool. If I lose I’m ok that it was to him.

  113. ladyandrea says:

    Your post was hysterical, MDG. I’m pullin’ for ya.


  115. mcbias says:

    Jack Cobra, here’s another left-handed compliment. Really, vote for the Cobra; with supporters like me, he doesn’t need enemies.

  116. mcbias says:

    And Paul Shirley, the tall, well-written basketball player who mentioned on Simmon’s podcast that he is a former NMF. For nerds like me, that’s pretty much the ultimate pre-college honor. And yet the man still supposedly can’t get a girlfriend. It’s just not fair!
    Here’s more of the sass he deserves. Yes, I typed both on and in. No, it’s funny now and I’m too lazy to change it.

  117. mcbias says:

    NMF = National Merit Finalist, btw, I’m too lazy to type it out. See poster.

  118. Jack Cobra says:

    Wow, I very well may print that out McB. Thanks

  119. MDG says:

    Thanks Andie. You’re on the list for make outs as well.

  120. dahrn says:

    You can get your NMF right here. Although I still can’t palm a basketball. I guess Shirley is still my daddy.

  121. Holly says:

    I am particularly concerned that MDG appears to be losing to a guy with frosted hair. What the hell is wrong with you people?

  122. ladyandrea says:

    I too am concerned about MDG. He’s a babe. And his submission was hilarious.

  123. PSUgirl says:

    I concur –

  124. Jack Cobra says:

    Ladies… psychologically speaking, some of the voters may actually be voting against the candidates you are urging them to vote for. That happens a lot of times in the political voting process. Just a thought.

  125. Sebek says:


    This thing’s not over. It’s been too close to call – besides, I think my Mom is running out of St. Louis library computer to vote on.

    I do I do not accept your Erik Estrada kiss of death.

  126. ladyandrea says:

    Awww, Sebek’s mom is voting for him? On computers in the library? I want you to both win!

  127. kellybabe says:

    Frosted hair or not, his joesportsfan website is one of the funniest things I’ve read in some time. Seriously, if you haven’t seen it yet, check it out. The athlete mySpace pages are classic stuff.

  128. T. Kyle King says:

    I saw the above notation about the bracket being reshuffled to reflect the correct order of the matchups in the next round, so what I have is a question and should in no way be construed as a complaint.

    Consider this a stupid male (pardon the redundancy) inability to grasp what smarter women are trying to tell him.

    There are 22 seeds in this bracket. Assuming all the higher seeds advance (which I know will not happen, but I’m just trying to keep things simple for the men who might be reading this), the second round matchups will be as follows:

    1 v. 11
    2 v. 10
    3 v. 9
    4 v. 8
    5 v. 7
    6 v. ?

    As the No. 6 seed, I’m curious . . . if I advance to the next round, do I get a bye or should I break out a Billy Idol record from around 1990?

  129. PopJocks says:

    that’s a big IF King! PopJocks is planning a run to the polls all day Saturday (only 200+ votes behind, that’s nothing!)………….unless the big planned fishing trip comes through thanks for no rain, then well, I’ll celebrate a loss with fine Long Island seafood

  130. Sanchez says:

    Well, it looks like I’m going down to the finely tanned Darren. If only I too had ventured out of my mothers basement in time to bannish my pasty complexion!

    Seriously though, congrats to Darren and thanks to everyone who voted for me. Now lets all get behind Mr Heitner; hopefully he’ll win the whole bracket so that I can claim I came second. Woot!

  131. PopJocks says:

    Sanchez, there’s still time. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

  132. T. Kyle King says:


    Forget it; he’s rolling.

  133. […] Cementing our status as the “wait, who the hell is THAT guy?” of the #1 seeds in the Ladies… Hot Blogger Bracket, the guys at The Blog Show gave us a shout-out in this fashion (at about the 8:25 […]

  134. Holly says:

    TKK–the math gets tricky because we were too sweet on all of you to make a field of 64. All will be explained, promise.

  135. dahrn says:

    love you sanchez. you see the headline on the miami herald sports page today?

  136. beingsven says:

    If it makes things easier, you can just eliminate me from the 2nd round.

    Oh, wait, my opponent has already done that for you.

  137. Sanchez says:

    You to Darren. Mutual appreciation all round!

    And yeah. It’s all gone the way of the pear at the moment…

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