From a blog I used to have called Otherpeoplesblogs.
… more guest editor. (Who I am sure is a nice guy. I poked around his blog some. Nice pics. Reminded me how gray NY is, even inside.) Without “Short Ends” or “To Do” posts, who knows how this slow day ended or what is going on tonight.
Oh wait, Headline News alerted me to George Carlin checking into rehab. (Which might explain his erratic behavior earlier this month on one his last nights at MGM in Vegas.)
Congrats to the people over at Franklin Avenue who had their baby. That is a good reason not to update your blog!
On the upside, I caught up with a bunch of blogs I should read more, like Andrew Sullivan, (who I had read before when someone in my fantasy football league linked to him… even though I don’t like his politics), and found Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott via the cool Killer Boots. (Who had reminded me about Sullivan.)
I even looked for my sister’s blog, which I could not find. I know she has one, because my mother asked me to explain what a blog was a few months ago. I did however find an old page of hers from her college days, and found some odd pics. Some stones are better left unturned, I guess.
Still slow out there in blog land. Almost wish someone would start a fake-celeb one again just to pass the time. (Admittedly, the Nick Nolte Diary was more amusing when you thought it might be real.)